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100 things in 10 years – Time

Time is what we make it, we all have the same amount, and yet some people seem that they have an extra 10 hours in their day.

Time is what we make it, we all have the same amount, and yet some people seem that they have an extra 10 hours in their day. With that being said this New Year Blog was to come out 3 weeks ago…but I woke up today and it is almost Feb. 1st. It is a good thing, life is busy and full!

They say that you find more success if you write your goals down, this is in business, personal, home, well pretty much life. I would like to put a challenge to you…100 things to do in 10 years. This is how I will kick off my 2018, with new goals and longer-term plans. Make a journal, create your vision board within it, have bullet-journal style pages and make sure you have a way to check-off or highlight your goals as you achieve them. Some can be achieved whenever you reach them and others will have specific ages/years to achieve them. Take on those hikes and life’s dares with a deep belief that you too can achieve it!

Water Hike

To get you started here are a few of mine (I am 36 so when I am 46 I hope to have achieved these) some are quite personal but I am wanted to open my inspiration and goals in hopes to help others jump out and take on their dreams!

  • Write more books (write a traditionally published book)
  • Grow my speaking career (5-10 speaking engagements a year)
  • Read a minimum of 12 books a year
  • Ride through Bali (spend at least a few months there)
  • Complete my countries lacking for Full-South American visits
  • Become F.I. by 45
  • Become a Real Estate Investor (have 2-5 rental properties=passive income)
  • Complete family quilt
  • Grow my you-tube views to over 1 million for the channel! (This is assuming You-Tube will be around in 10 years, some goals are tech-dependent and may change as the years go on!)
  • Ride remaining provinces in Canada
  • Become location independent (be abwork/earn/ earn from anywhere in the world)

It is just a start but so much can come from getting it down and it gives you direction. Please share some of your ideas/goals for yourself in the comments below!



4 Comments on 100 things in 10 years – Time

  1. William jordan // January 30, 2018 at 2:24 pm // Reply

    I know you will succeed you have the determination and will power to accomplish these goals, the best to you on your journey.

  2. You have a great list of goals and I doubt anyone will establish more or better ones than you have! Congratulations on starting early and knowing you have the determination to complete them too!
    Aunt Maryann

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